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Near the President's Home Town
Pictures from our three visits to Kara, Togo

Our first stop out of Lome was Kara.  Greer needed to pick up a few items at the marche for dinner.  We ran into fellow PCV Dario and his girlfriend, Marisol.
On our next visit to Kara, we walked by the new Catholic church.
The Pope even visited here!
Next we walked to the marche so Greer could show us around and we could look for pagnes.
Kara's marche is big (it has a concrete, two-story building) and is open every day.
Mother and I both found pagnes we liked at the same pagne booth.  Here Mother, Greer, and the saleswomen pose with the pagne Mother got for the girls.  It is covered with flowerpots and watrering cans, very tame for Togo.  (We never did find the bloody finger pagne!)
We went to Maroc's for lunch to meet PCV Phynessa (left) but ran into Dario, Marisol, and PCV Stephanie (second from right), too!
During our meal (yes, Maroc's is the best yovo restaurant in Kara), lizards were running around.  Mother named one Tyler because it would always run when she went to take its picture.
Another picture of Tyler running around the restaurant.
Greer and I had local beverages during the meal.  I had Lionkiller (a Togolese limonade [like Sprite]) and Greer had Pom Pom (supposedly an apple soft drink; it smells like liquefied circus peanuts!).
After lunch, we went to see Greer's post office box.
Greer got my postcard from Las Vegas that day!
Phynessa went with us, too.
Greer also took us to see one of the places where she e-mails us.
It was air-conditioned!!!
The computers have French keyboards that we got to use on our third and final visit to Kara.